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ZOHAR 113-2

Data premiery





Sensuum Mendacia / Somnia

Numer katalogowy

ZOHAR 113-2

Data premiery




Muzycy nieistniejącego już Maeror Tri mieli już wiele okazji, żeby współpracować z Zoharum zarówno przy wydawaniu nowych nagrań, jak i reedycjach starszych pozycji. W naszym katalogu znajdują się pozycje Troum (”Autopoiesis / Nahtscato”, ”Seeing-Ear Gods” i ”Dreaming Muzak”), 1000Schoen (dwupłytowy split z rodzimym projektem Ab Intra), a także pierwotnego projektu Maeror Tri (”Emotional Engramm” oraz ”Meditamentum”). Wspólnie z muzykami usuwamy białe plamy w ich dyskografii i odrestaurowujemy ich starsze nagrania.

Maeror Tri był projektem działającym od połowy lat 80tych do 1997 roku, gdy wydali swój ostatni krążek zatytułowany ”Emotional Engramm”. W swojej twórczości penetrowali takie gatunki, jak minimalizm, muzykę ambient i industrial, pożyczali techniki drone od muzyków klasycznych. Poza siedmioma płytami, które ujrzały światło dzienne na CD i LP, wydali kilkanaście kaset. Zawierały one znacznie surowsze nagrania od tych z regularnych krążków tria.

Jednym z dwóch takich wydawnictw jest ”Sensuum Mendacia” wydana oryginalnie w 1991 roku przez walijską wytwórnię Direction Music. Była to trzecia kaseta w dyskografii Maeror Tri. Poniższa reedycja została wzbogacona o 5 dodatkowych nagrań pochodzących ze splitu z duetem Nostalgie Eternelle wydanego w 1990. Wszystkie nagrania zostały ponownie zmasterowane.

Płyta została wydana w 2-panelowym ekopaku w ściśle limitowanym nakładzie 350 szt. Za okładkę odpowiada Marcin Łojek (



MAEROR TRI – Sensuum Mendacia (1991)
2. Soma 2
3. Choir of Transcendence
4. Mental Electricity
5. Aegritudo
6. Animorum Post Mortem Ab Aliis Ad Alios Transitio
MAEROR TRI – Somnia (1990)
7. Somnia
8. Vox Sirenum
9. Soma 1
10. Onyx
11. Indagatio


Sensuum Mendacia takes a more even-tempered approach, its textures played out with less pummelling and more sliding, layered tones unfolding and extrapolating from decidedly unfixed points in time and space. The six tracks aren’t going anywhere in a hurry, eventually depositing the listener somewhere far removed entirely, and manage to pull off the trick of making the arrival and departure seem to be spaced apart by an inconstant and apparently unmeasurable duration.
It’s definitely an album which favours headphone listening, though the window-shaking properties of some passages are not to be underestimated, nor perhaps missed (neighbouring residences be warned). “Soma 2” lets the queasiness back in, swimming through what feels like the liquid treacle of guitar FX that have been double-dipped in hallucinogens so the audience don’t necessarily have to be, stumbling determinedly into a harmonic slowdown.
There are moments of disturbance, all clanking chains, drips and spurting noise blasts, as found on the soundtrack-like “Mental Electricity”; while the last track, “Animorum Post Mortem Ab Aliis Ad Alios Transitio”, meanders out in a sprawling series of atmospheric dissipations and micro-cyclones, spinning dizzily but sedately towards a unwinding termination. There’s perhaps more affinity with the likes of Flying Saucer Attack than Main (one of their closer contemporary reference points, should one be needed) on “Choir of Transcendence”, which achieves its particular Nirvana thorugh an ear-splitting swell of recursive echoes that should clear the sinuses rather effectively — though perhaps not recommended as a cure for the common cold unless there’s no headache presently involved. Likewise, the loping melody of “Aegritudo” plays off an encroaching wall of drone that eventually gets its entropic way in a subtly-done duel of two approaches to guitar manipulation.
There’s an intriguing use of vocal tones floating throughout Somnia (originally released as Somnia Et Expergisci); muffled, unintelligible, but adding a human warmth to the second half of the disc that brings in a hint of Popol Vuh‘s ethereal spirituality to proceedings. The guitars are much more self-evidently themselves here, cycling in identifiably strummed and softly coaxed — and more musical — loops among the distant earthquake detonations and still usually overwhelming use of effects and volume dynamics. Sometimes, as on “Vox Sirenum”, it seems like Maëror Tri are struggling through a snowstorm, or perhaps the ashy fallout from a volcanic explosion, reverb and echoes drifting and walling into slurry around them as they trudge steadfastly on, as if the keeping moving is the only thing between the trio and the engulfing embrace of the blizzard that surrounds them.
There are what seem to be siren voices calling to them on “Onyx”, atonal shapes emerging ghostlike from the billowing and eddying mists, glimpsed yet never grasped entirely, thrumming and faintly ominous — though the threat never seems quite realised. Once again, the end comes like the heat-death of the universe, icing over solemnly through one final hurrah on “Indagatio”, until a somnolent quietude is attained.

Black Magazine:
MAEROR TRI und deren Nachfolgeprojekt TROUM bzw. das angeschlossene Label + Mailorder Drone Records sind Pioniere für ein Genre, was seit einigen Jahren förmlich zu explodieren droht. Der relativ überschaubare Zahl an potentiellen Hörern und Käufern dieser Musik, steht ein Heer von Musikern, Bands und Projekten gegenüber, welche für eine wahre Veröffentlichungsflut von der sogenannten Drone-Musik verantwortlich sind. Jeder kann mit dem geringsten Equipment diesen Sound erzeugen und obwohl ich Anfangs auch von dem atmosphärischen „Dröhn-Sound“ angetan war, langweilt bis widert mich der nicht endende Veröffentlichungs-Overkill in diesem Genre schon lange. MAEROR TRI und TROUM sind davon schon allein schon auf Grund ihrer Vorreiter-Rolle ausgenommen und musikalisch deutlich gehaltvoller, als das Gros der unzähligen Gitarren-Effekt-Pedal-Laptop-Artisten. Dies schlägt sich natürlich auch in den Verkaufszahlen und den sich nachziehenden Wiederveröffentlichungen von MAEROR TRI & TROUM nieder, so das es schon verwunderlich ist, dass es bei denen doch noch vergriffenes Material gibt. zoh_113-2Von MAEROR TRI erscheinen aktuell nämlich gerade zwei alte Tapes erstmals remastert im richtigen CD-Format, die bisher nur als CD-R wieder aufgelegt wurden. Im einzelnen sind das die Kassetten „Sensuum Mendacia“ (1991) und „Hypnobasia“ (1992), wobei jene wie schon erwähnt im Jahre 2005 auf L.White Records bzw. Old Europa Cafe als CD-R nachgereicht wurde. Zoharum hat sich beiden Veröffentlichungen jetzt noch einmal angenommen und „Sensuum Mendacia“ um die 5 Tracks von MAEROR TRI vom Split-Tape mit NOSTALGIE ETERNELLE aus dem Jahre 1990 ergänzt. Auch „Hypnobasia“ wartet in der Neuauflage mit Bonus-Material auf, was die damals exklusive Tape-Compilation-Beiträge für „Organismus“, „Non-Nuclear War“ und „Neue Muster“ sind. Musikalisch ist der Klang beider Tape-Alben natürlich noch deutlich rauer, aggressiver und archaischer, als spätere Veröffentlichungen von MAEROR TRI und eher dem Industrial zuzuordnen. Hier wurde nicht einfach nur ein brummender Drone am Computer geloopt, sondern analoges Instrumentarium Live eingespielt und verfremdet. Mit gefälligen Dark Ambient hat das Ganze wenig zu tun und zum Teil türmen sich beim hören regelrechte Albtraum-Szenarien im Kopfkino auf. Äußerst gelungene Wiederaufbereitung des alten Materials und die beide CDs in aufeinander abgestimmten Digifiles sind auf je 350 Exemplare limitiert. Bestimmt geht diese sinnvolle MAEROR TRI/TROUM-Reihe bei Zoharum noch weiter, wie es dort auch seit einiger Zeit mit nicht mehr erhältlichen RAPOON-Material gehandhabt wird. (Marco Fiebag)

This new reissue from Zoharum collects two tapes from Maeror Tri which documents their first steps as band instead of the previous reissues (“Emotional Engramm” and “Meditamentum”) that were their most mature effort.
“Sensuum Mendacia” was released in 1991 and is one of their most ambient release. „Antrum” is based upon a drone which slowly evolve revealing subtle nuances and resonances. „Soma 2” is an hypnotic track based on the juxtaposition of loops. „Choir of Transcendence” uses a guitar processed using delay. „Mental Electricity” is an almost industrial track based on noises and drones. „Aegritudo” is constructed from slowed down guitar recordings. The resonances of „Animorum Post Mortem Ab Aliis Ad Alios Transitio” closes this release which, even in the limitations of the recording process reveals the research of the creative use of a 4 track tape.
„Somnia” is the A side of a split release with Nostalgie Eternelle and sounds as focused in their most hypnotic side. „Somnia” opens this release with an ethereal loop while „Vox Sirenum” is closer to certain dark ambient. „Soma 1” is based on heavily effected bass and guitar while „Onyx” heavily process samples. „Indagatio” closes this release with lines of synth generating gentle drones.
An obscure gem from the past which could sound underdeveloped at a structural level but reveals choices in the sound palette that anticipate their mature result some year later. It’s really worth a listen.

Raben Report:
Optisch in einem wunderschönen Digisleeve gehalten ist die vorliegende Neuauflage aus dem Hause Zoharum, welche für Freunde von Maeror Tri (und Troum) essentiell ist und eindrucksvoll die Frühzeit von Maeror Tri aufzeigt. Zwei Klassiker wurden darauf verewigt, wobei mit „Sensuum Mendacia” das erste Langzeit-Werk ins Rennen geschickt wurde. Einst lediglich auf Tape vertrieben, so wurden diese Arbeit (die dem Zeitraum 19989-1991 entspring) später als CD-R unters Volk gebracht. Auch hier war die Limitierung sehr brenzlig, weshalb nun mein Dank an den polnischen Giganten Zoharum Records geht, der dieses Werk nun neu aufgelegt hat und all jenen hungrigen Fans gedenkt, die dem Teil bislang chancenlos hinterhergerannt sind.
„Sensuum Mendacia” offenbart sechs Darbietungen, die bereits den so typischen Stil des Drone Ambient von Maeror Tri innehaben, und immens viel Potenzial zum Träumen aufzeigen. Die Vertonungen von „Somnia” haben ihren Ursprung hingegen auf dem Split Tape mit Nostalgie Eternelle, welches 1990 das Licht unserer Welt erblickte. Um die volle Pracht und Gefühlswelt dieser Publikation erfassen zu können, empfehle ich den Gebrauch von Ohrmuscheln, mit denen sich die Magie und ausstrahlende Atmosphäre am Besten einfangen lassen. Manche Vertonungen gleichen dabei schon fast einer Art, ich nenne es mal, Begleitmusik, wogegen andere wiederum dezentes Kopfkino erzeugen und flux übermannen. Auf Anspieltipps verzichte ich in diesem Fall bewusst, denn „Sensuum Mendacia / Somnia” verdient es im Kompletten erfasst zu werden!
Was bleibt, ist eine eindrucksvolle Zeitreise, gefüllt mit tiefen Emotionen, wo die Zeit relativ ist und ein wunderbarer Ohrenschmaus auf seine Entfaltung wartet. Da der Tonträger mit einer stattlichen Spieldauer aufwartet, so ist die gegebene Langzeitmotivation entsprechen keine Frage der Dauer, sondern ein Fakt, der in den Belangen Qualität und Quantität absolut keine Wünsche offen lässt. Meine absolute Empfehlung!

Continua la serie di recuperi dei vecchi nastri dei Maeror Tri, il collettivo germanico che ha sviluppato, tra gli anni ’80 e i ’90, una drone ambient personale in anticipo sulle tante produzioni che invaderanno il mercato nel nuovo millennio. Questa ristampa raccoglie due titoli: „Sensuum Mendacia”, uscito in cassetta nel 1991 e finora riproposto solo in CDr nel 2005, e le cinque tracce di „Somnia Et Expergisci”, split-tape realizzata con Nostalgie Eternelle, datata 1990 e mai trasferita su supporto digitale. I lavori appaiono in grande sintonia compositiva a prescindere dall’arco temporale che li accomuna. Le radici drone-ambient dal sapore sinfonico si lasciano andare in più occasioni ad un sound che precorre l’attuale post-rock con rare puntate shoegaze, il tutto segnato da quella levità raffinata che ha sempre contraddistinto il progetto. „Sensuum” presenta passaggi dronici di marca esoterica („Antrum”), enigmatici e misteriosi nella loro struttura ondulatoria („Animorum Post Mortem…”), collegabili anche ad assemblaggi di stampo post-industriale in cui trovano spazio rumori cesellati e frammenti evocativi. D’altro canto è possibile rilevare anche brani generati per mezzo di dissonanze armoniche che giocano sul contrasto di melodie
destrutturate, basate su sonorità che rimandano dritti ad atmosfere tipiche dei primi anni ’90 („Soma 2”, „Choir Of Transcendence”). I successivi pezzi relativi a „Somnia” si accostano ancor di più ad atmosfere oniriche e sottili, aumentando la carica emozionale già propria dei brani precedenti. Gli sfondi tenebrosi diventano tappeto ideale per alcune semi-melodie („Vox Sirenum”, „Soma 1”), che si alternano a grandi masse tonali in accumulo evidentemente riagganciabili, almeno a livello architettonico, alla tradizione minimal di maestri come Charlemagne Palestine („Indagatio”). Il suono magistralmente ripulito da un’attenta opera di remastering e un nuovo artwork impresso su uno snello digisleeve a quattro pannelli garantiscono qualità tecnica e formale a due realizzazioni che attendevano un meritorio recupero ormai da anni. Imperdibile anche
per chi già possiede i nastri originari. Disponibile in edizione limitata a 350 esemplari.

Musique Machine
L egendary, defunct, German artists, Maeror Tri, are once again given the pleasure of having their older cassette releases reissued from Zoharum. This newest re-issue sees 1991’s Sensuum Mendacia and Maeror Tri’s side of 1990’s split Somnia remastered and given the limited edition treatment. With much of Maeror Tri’s catalog out of print, Zoharum is doing the music world a favor by bringing these older albums back into the light.
Although Maeror Tri is defunct, its members have carried on and continue to make music with new projects (Troum and Tausendschoen), and follow a similar path that was set up in their Maeror Tri heyday. Having been exposed to less Maeror Tri than I would have liked, hearing lots of Troum helped me to fill a void in my experimental ambient side. However, while similar in some ways, the later projects definitely tread different turf than earlier works. The long, wavering, mingling drones of „Antrum” start off Sensuum Mendacia on a simple, but deep and evocative note. This ten minute track allows the throbbing of layers to intermingle and create new sounds out of the constructive interference. Perfect for meditation and self-analysis, „Antrum” gets the album off to a great start. „Soma 2” brings on a more grandiose air and will sound a bit more familiar to those who know Maeror Tri via Troum. Again making the most of oscillations and waves, „Soma 2” is both airy and grounded, and carries an almost cinematic vibe with it. And, almost like they’re trying to appease Goldilocks, the following song, „Choir of Transcendence” feels like a complete mix of the two preceding it. Drony and wavy, grandiose and airy, „Choir” ambles forward until the constructive interference brings it to a surprising (but delightful) crescendo before pulling away the pieces and letting it fade out. With those before uplifting and transcendent, „Mental Electricity” brings the tone down and descends into something a bit more chthonic and dark. „Aegritudo” follows suit, and low, heavy strings add to the earthy, subterranean vibe. Cementing the journey from the sky to the core, „Animorum Post Mortem Ab Aliis Ad Alios Transitio” ends the album well on the track that the latter have had set forth. My hack Latin translation about death and the soul definitely fits the vibe here, and is a fitting conclusion to the trip that Maeror Tri has taken the listener on with Sensuum Mendacia. Somnia, while following a similar, flowing approach, takes less of a journey than Sensuum. The eponymous track, „Somnia,” is airy and gorgeous, and carries the listener along on a sonic cloud. Dropping down a bit, ocean sounds begin the aptly named „Vox Sirenum.” Shimmering tones fill the middle of an oceanic void, much like baleful oasis that Odysseus and his crew would have faced on their trek back home. Like a lower version of „Soma 2,” „Soma 1” slowly moves and shimmers like the surface of a reflecting pool. The most sparse track to be had on this compilation, „Onyx” works on a low, distant rumbling and a teasing in the foreground. Using similar sounds as „Somnia”, „Indagatio” closes out the album in classic bookend fashion. With this last round of drifting, meditative sounds complete, Sensuum Mendacia/Somnia comes to a close, leaving the listener to contemplate the breath of sounds that have just unfolded.
Maeror Tri is a name that is well known and well respected in the experimental community. Spending years honing their craft and treating audiences to glorious, sonic displays, Maeror Tri have established quite a catalog to be enjoyed. While a lot of it is out of print, labels like Zoharum are making sure that today’s fans have the same chance to hear this music as those 20+ years ago.

Ver Sacrum:
I tedeschi Maeror Tri di Stefan Knappe sono stati uno dei gruppi piu’ oscuri e influenti della musica dark-ambient degli anni ’80 e ’90. In dischi di culto come Meditamentum, Myein e Language Of Flames And Sound, caratterizzati anche da un artwork eccezionale che li ha resi veri e propri oggetti da collezionismo (Language Of Flames And Sound raffigurava un vero e proprio cervello umano cartonato), hanno ridisegnato i confini della musica elettronica gettando una sorta di ponte fra la Cosmica tedesca dei primi anni ’70 e la musica industrial e ambient. La struttura della loro musica e’ molto minimale, basata su cupi drones che riescono a creare un’atmosfera meditativa e metafisica realmente altra mettendo l’ascoltatore in contatto con una realta’ sconosciuta. La meritoria label polacca Zoharum in questi anni ha ristampato titoli fondamentali dei Maeror Tri come Meditamentum, nuovi dischi come Emotional Engram e dato spazio a progetti successivi denominati Troum e 1000Schoen. Ora prosegue l’opera di scavo e disseppellimento della loro discografia che comprendeva, oltre ai setti album usciti su cd e LP, anche alcune leggendarie cassette: uno di questi nastri, il terzo per la precisione del 1991, era intitolato Sensuum Mendacia e viene ora ristampato, rimasterizzato e, per l’occasione, abbinato a Somnia, in origine edito nel 1991 come split con Nostalgie Eternelle. La qualita’ media di queste registrazioni risulta molto piu’ abrasiva e amatoriale se confrontata con quanto possiamo ascoltare negli album sopra citati, tuttavia riesce a mantenere in ogni caso un fascino e una carica dirompente unici. L’estremo minimalismo rimane sempre uno dei marchi di fabbrica inconfondibili dei Maeror Tri mentre le ambientazioni sono corrosive, nel solco di un ambient-industrial senza compromessi. Non siamo ancora di fronte sostanzialmente di Meditamentum e Myein ma si tratta di materiale di assoluto interesse per i cultori del genere. Per chi non conosce il gruppo questa e’ l’occasione giusta per iniziare a colmare la lacuna. Il cd esce in un’edizione strettamente limitata a 350 copie in una raffinata versione in 2-panel ecopak